I can confirm that the Bahamas in December is a good idea. It’s been years since I've been to the Caribbean, and I was excited when Coggins invited me to join the group for my first time bonefishing. I was fishing with a guide in the Vail Valley this summer, and I asked him if he thought I was capable. He encouraged me, which got me into the right headspace for a potential invite later in the year. So when David reached out, I knew I had to go.
With Coggins being my fishing mentor, this trip required a certain level of special gear and preparation compared to fishing for trout in Montana or even going to Patagonia. We went so far as to have a group Zoom to talk about equipment, accessories, and what to expect. At one point over beers at the Harvard Club (I’m a spousal member—LOL), he and our friend Marco strategized what guide on what day would help me catch my first bonefish. Those guys were excited; I was quietly nervous.