Worth noting that there is a Locker Room location in Auburn, AL as well as Montgomery. Would also like to nominate Griff Goods in Opelika, AL as a shop that carries a small and interesting collection of quality items! Happy to see this list of good shops

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Regret to inform you that Ball and Buck's brick and mortar location closed. However, they still exist online, and I believe have done the pop-up thing recently.

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Thanks. I tried to leave these to one location — like I did with Sid Mashburn.

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Thanks. We went through but it was hard to catch all that have closed — I pulled them from the list. Appreciate the heads up and agree about the online shop being great. Thank you!

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Our current shop is open in Aspen, CO! Hope you can stop by.

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Great list. I wanted to mention that there is a great little men’s shop called Red River Mercantile that I might suggest you check out the next time you’re in Santa Fe New Mexico. I’m not affiliated with them in anyway, just think it’s a cool place that you might like. Thanks!

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Can’t argue with most of your list but a big miss is Kai D in Brooklyn. An independent menswear designer whose store is a little gem. Outdoes RRL and makes in Brooklyn! Please check him out next time you’re in Brooklyn.

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Thanks for this outstanding list! I also love The Met in Sarasota, FL https://themetsarasota.com/.

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Check out, Morgan Mercantile Fort Worth, TX also Squire Shoppe

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Surprised by no H. Stockton

Juniors in Philly is another classic menswear store to add to the list. Majority of items are made in USA too

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Juniors doesn’t have a physical store or it would have been included.

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Michael, I’ve known your appreciation of Harrison’s and what Scott does there. Nice to see the addition of Caliber and Club Duquette.

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Love this list, thank you for comprising it, Michael. I’d like to throw in a few of my favorite shops in San Francisco Bay Area:

1. Reliquary (https://reliquarysf.com)

2. MAC (https://www.macmodernappealingclothing.com)

3. Slash Denim in Berkeley (https://slashdenim.tumblr.com)

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Great list, and a wonderful reminder of lots of places that are still around that I haven't thought of or checked on in years and years.

For anyone interested in Portland, OR stores, I'll add that its always worth a visit to Portland Outdoor Store, the 102-year-old dealer in various westernwear, saddle supplies, Barbour products and other cool stuff, still in Downtown Portland despite all the negative press you hear these days.

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Great list - would love to see Standard and Strange on here (either Oakland or Santa Fe).

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Ooh great recommendation, I need to go check out their shop.

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Great list! Standard & Strange in Santa Fe would be a great addition. And Billy Reid (at least the Florence, AL-based “flagship”) could be included or is that considered a “brand store”?

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Really appreciate this list, especially as someone that always seeks out menswear shops when I visit a city. +1 to Standard and Strange (Santa Fe) // Canoe Club (Boulder) // Old North (Asheville) and please consider Friend (New Orleans) and Tanner Goods (Portland).

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Today Clothing in Ann Arbor, MI definitely deserves a spot on this list!

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Sharing! Great list! Check out Poet and/the Bench in Mill Valley for men’s jewelry, Jeffrey Levin is co-founder and has a collection and custom workshop. They also carry a great selection of gear—culinary and utility knives, urban apparel, leather goods and vintage bar ware. www.poetandthebench.com

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BDDW? Props for putting Hall's on there.

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