One final thing.. please do send me your postal address. I'd love to send you a copy of my 'Do Not Disturb' book

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Hello Michael. It's been a while. In fact, as long as it has been since I last saw you (too long), I think the last 4 months have made that timeframe feel like an eternity. I hope you and your family are well and staying healthy and optimistic. I've enjoyed your writing, insights and perspectives from the start. Consistently honest, suitably expansive and generously informative. The news of your blog versus newsletter is both welcome and a good addition to the (few) news subscriptions that I value and leave with a take-away. Welcome back. Good luck. Keep writing. I will keep reading and supporting from the wings. Raoul

PS. Whilst you have committed to posting every Wed & Sat, don't let the time/diary control you! All posts are good posts. Anytime!

PPS. We have navigated these last few months keeping all the Group businesses stable and using the time to genuinely re-write an exciting new blueprint for Exposure that will emerge and become more resonant as we approach 2021.

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