There’s an IG account that looks at old style places like this all over the UK called ‘Caffs not Cafe’s”https://instagram.com/caffs_not_cafes?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==

Very good follow for the same type of place

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I’ve seen this too. V good. Thanks for sharing

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Great find. Thanks!

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This is fantastic

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I have this place in my life. It is called Susan’s. I’m sitting in Susan’s now. My kids are off in college. But I still come on Saturday mornings for my coffee and eggs. And the memories of fatherhood. And sometimes for Susan’s coconut cream pie.

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“I’ve had similar little obviously special flourishes at fancy private clubs or exclusive resorts on the Amalfi Coast. Those are the places you expect those special moments, but when you can find them every weekend at your local run-of-the-mill breakfast place you know you are on to something unique.”

This is awesome, and what it’s all about. Thanks for sharing.

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Omg you did not just write about one of my favourite greasy spoons. No everyone’s gonna know. Please don’t write about Rae’s. 😂

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Love this. I live close but have never been. My type of place! DG

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Let's meet over there some time.

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Sounds good. You’ll find me at Mel’s a few times a week, ha

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Those curly fries look divine, and big respect on the chocolate milk with breakfast. Next time I’m in Santa Monica, I’m getting Snug.

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Fabulous, Michael.

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The diner closest to me (Hamburger Haven) is distinctly more average in terms of decor and food. But god bless the 7am opening time & old waitresses.

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What we used to have in NYC with Eisenberg’s.... Now I enjoy Tom’s Restaurant in Prospect Heights. This sounds like a winner too!!

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As the (recently) retired 40+ year owner of a catering company, permit me to say the primary component of a successful joint like Snug Harbor is their understanding of hospitality being the #1 thing they offer; not the best pancakes ever or some other culinary epiphany, but a genuine air of their being happy you're there, and that they can help make your day a little bit nicer.

No one will return to a restaurant that serves the most phenomenal food you've ever eaten if the service is rude and slow, the place dirty, the address difficult to find, the parking difficult, and the cost outrageous. Great restaurant experiences are about way more than just the food, and clearly Michael's favorite joint knows that. Kudos to them.

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Looks straight out of a Edward Hopper painting. Nice photos.

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Wonderfully time article Michael. I read white lingering over breakfast with my dad at a similar type spot in my hometown. Nothing better than a piping hot cup of diner coffee.

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Kessel’s Korner - OCNJ - favorite breakfast on the island. Nothing says NJ like a pork roll, egg and cheese on a hard roll! Thanks for highlighting these simple gifts that enhance our lives, Michael.

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Wonderful article. Perfectly average breakfast spots are becoming harder and harder to find these days. Here in Denver there has been a rash of diner closings.

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I love this. Thank you, Michael.

I've been trying to have more moments like this in daily life lately—especially in North Dallas, where vintage, let alone not too perfect vintage, is hard to find. We had one called Bill Smiths not far from me, but the third generation of Bill found that the real estate had just become too valuable.

This has me looking for an average greasy spoon.

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Give Angela’s on Lovers Lane/Inwood a try. It seems to be a place perfectly content in what it is. Which is to say, it lacks all pretense and never tries (nor succeeds) at exceeding expectations. For me, Angela’s is like that old pair of running shoes that avoids the Goodwill bin not by being sharp, versatile or particularly nostalgic but by simply performing one job satisfactorily.

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Bubba’s in University Park has the experience nailed.

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